Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Chapter two


   New Bark Town was small, even so, Jeremy was lost and not happy about it. He grumbled and his signature pout was ever present. Tyson walked behind him, the two seemed to be something to avoid as people either ducked into their houses or went to the other side of the road. Tyson sighed, Jeremy ignored them.
   “Isn’t there a silly mart in this town?” Jeremy spat out grumpy and stopped. Tyson didn’t answer, he knew better than to get in the way for his trainer while he was in this mood. Instead he stood patiently behind Jeremy. “Ah, that’s right. Oh, Tyson, aren’t you dying to find a mart, for good old Jeremy?” Jeremy didn’t look back, he just stood there, silky smooth voice. Tyson shook his head, he didn’t want to run around looking.
   “Very well, your not to fast anyways.” His trainer said low, grabbing a Pokèball which he threw at the ground, sending out the Pokèmon within. It was an Umbreon, looking back at his trainer in total obedience. Waiting for the order, Jeremy smirked. “Rex-u. Find a mart and report back, and hurry will you?” Rex-u nodded once and turned, running off hastily. Jeremy turned back and looked down at Tyson, he looked back at him.
   “Get up now, you know you want too.” Jeremy said low, his voice softer, warm. Tyson smiled carefully and leaped up, getting comfy on Jeremy's shoulder. Jeremy smirked, just then the boy from before came running past him.
   Jeremy pouted, glaring at the boys back with one of those if looks could kill – looks. “Let's see what the little shrimp are up to, eh?” he whispered, jogging after the boy. Jeremy wondered if the boy had healed his Charmander yet. Jeremy puffed short. He probably didn't even know where the Pokèmon center in this town was. Because surely, if Jeremy hadn't found it, then a little shrimp like this one sure wouldn't have found it either.
  The shrimp ran out of town, into the tall grass, Jeremy stayed within the town walls, looking him out, he was looking for something like a madman. Jeremy observed him scurrying around, had he lost something? Jeremy narrowed his eyes. “Tyson, what you think the shrimp is looking for?” He whispered, the Raichu at his shoulder just shook and Jeremy pouted. “Let's find out.” he said then pretending to walk normally out of the Town and into the grass.
   “My, my. What do we have here? A little shrimp searching for something.” Jeremy said cocky and smirked at the boy. The boy stiffened, he turned slowly to face Jeremy and Tyson, looking at him. “I am looking for Pokèmon to catch!” He half snarled at Jeremy who put a surprised look on his face. The boy continued to search around in the grass, Jeremy pouted, the surprised look was long gone.
   “You won't catch anything like this.” Jeremy said, however the boy ignored him, running back and fort, Jeremy got irritated, he nodded to Tyson who jumped down and stood in the way for the boy, electric energy pulsing out of his cheeks. It worked, the boy stopped. “Wasn't it enough to beat Dracko to a pulp?” He asked, anxiety heavy in his voice.
   “Yeah, I like to make my Raichu fry little kids like you.” Jeremy said sarcastic, the boy tensed on the spot. “I am not a little kid! I'm fourteen!” He shouted red faced at Jeremy. “Why do you pick on me? Just because I just got my first Pokèmon?” He shouted.
   “Just because you are a strong and skilled trainer and I am new does not give you the right to pick on me! You also began like this!” He took a deep breath, Jeremy pouted as usual.
   “Eh, no I didn't start like this. I met Tyson in the Veridian Forest when I was four years old. I started training when I was nine.” Jeremy grumbled. “Don't people get Pokèmon when they are ten?” He asked, which the boy looked to the ground. “Papa said I had to wait, he said I wasn't ready. But today he finally said I was ready.” the boy said low, it was obvious he knew he was much older then most kids getting their first Pokèmon.
   “But a Charmander, that is one of the starters of Kanto. Why did your professor give you a Kanto starter?” Jeremy asked kinder sounding now, the boy peeked up at him. “I didn't get Dracko from Professor Elm, papa gave him to me.” He said silently, Jeremy sighed.
   “Hey, don't be ashamed. Starting now just mean that you are behind. You have to work harder then those of the same age to achieve the same skills as a trainer.” Jeremy said bossy, the boy looked at him now. “Starting four years after the others your age is just your greatest challenge.” Jeremy walked a few steps closer and smirked, bending toward the boy.
   “And I will help you.” He said, it could be interesting to see this clumsy boy improve, and he had been rather bored with the idea of just exploring and battling. “This is a very special offer that I don't give to anyone, until now.” Jeremy said.
   The boy looked stunned back to him. “Y-you will teach me?” Jeremy nodded. “O-okay.” Jeremy pouted. “It's okay, hyung!” The boy nodded swiftly. Jeremy lowered a eyebrow, waiting, the boy looked nervous back at him.
   “O-okay, hyung!” he shouted shaky, Jeremy smirked and stood upright. “Right, shrimpy, over there is a Pidgey, go catch it.” The boy looked to where Jeremy had pointed, a little Pidgey was pecking at the ground, minding it's own business. Pidgey was one of the easiest Pokèmon to catch for a beginner and they were a very low level.
   “Right, Pidgey! You are going to be mine now!” the boy shouted at the tiny bird Pokèmon which got startled and flew off. “Oh, oh! Pidgey! Wait! I didn't throw my Pokèball at you yet!” He started running after it, to Jeremy's surprise and slight horror, the gangly guy shouted and waved his arms as he tried to follow the frightened Pidgey.
   “Hey! Shrimpy! Get back here!” he shouted, Tyson shrimping in the grass, this was not going to be pretty. “Get back here, NOW!” Jeremy shouted and the boy had stopped, he came jogging back to him. “Yes, hyung?” he said eager, not noticing the danger in Jeremy's voice.
   “Seriously, shrimpy! That is not how you catch a Pokèmon.” Jeremy snarled at him, making him whimper. “You do it then, hyung.” he mumbled. “Oh, I will.” Jeremy said silky smooth, he looked around them and soon he noticed the bushes moving to the left. “Ah.” He said sneaking up to see a Rattata gnawing on a root. “Now, watch and learn.” he said calm, taking up a Pokèball.
   “Show that you are good for something, Bobbo!” He ordered, throwing the ball on the ground. Out of the ball came a Bulbasaur that looked surprisingly eager for having such a grouchy trainer.
   “Quick, Bobbo! Vine Whip that Rattata!” Jeremy ordered confident, Bobbo smiled almost stupid at his beloved trainer before turning and used it's attack on the Rattata that screeched in pain and came running for a tackle attack. “Dodge it, Bobbo!” Jeremy ordered but Bobbo wasn't fast enough and got hit in the side. “Ah, dang it. Just tackle it back, Bobbo!” Jeremy shouted. Bobbo growled as he ran at Rattata, tackling ithard so it fell to the ground, fainted, Bobbo poked it carefull before turning and smiled hugely at Jeremy as if waiting for the praise.
   “Yeah, yeah. Well done, Bobbo. Return!” Jeremy said lazy and returned Bobbo to the Pokèball. He turned to the boy and smirked. “This is how you battle and catch Pokèmon.” He said as if it was something hard to do. The boy took up a Pokèball from his bag. “So then I can catch it?” He went up to Jeremy's side. “No, you have to weaken and catch them yourself. I am not going to do the hard work for you.” Jeremy grumbled.
   Ah, only then he noticed  the sky had turned pink, it was soon night time. Jeremy looked back to the town. “Geez, Rex-u haven't found a mart yet?” he mumbled more to himself. “There are no mart in New Bark.” said the boy. “A Pokèmon center then?” Jeremy glared at the boy as if it was his fault if it didn't have one. “Uh, no.” He whispered, nervous looking again.
   “Great, I love sleeping outdoors.” Jeremy pouted, he looked at Tyson. “You, cinnamon bun! Go get Rex-u, I bet hes hiding since he has failed.” Tyson charged a little electricity but swiftly got on all fours and ran back into the town.
   “Hyung?” the boy asked while Jeremy was gathering himself from throwing a major hissy fit. “Hyung, you can sleep in my place.” The boy offered carefully, looking like he was awaiting to be scorched by hell flames as Jeremy looked over at him. Well sleeping inside in a bed was much better then sleeping in a sleeping bag outside.

   It had appeared that Jeremy had spoken too soon, Shrimpy's parents had been delighted that he was helping Shrimpy and had asked him for dinner. Mrs. Shrimpy's cooking wasn't too bad either, but this. This was silly, Jeremy took a deep breath and pouted. “So, how is sleeping on the floor any better then sleeping outside on the ground?” Jeremy asked, not happy at all. The boy was already under his blankets, big red eyes stared at him.
   “It is warmer in here then outside. It is just one night, hyung.” he squeaked and hid under the blanket. Jeremy slipped down onto the mattress and glared up at the roof. The boy in the bed shifted to get comfy. Tyson padded on top of Jeremy's blanket and  snuggled up on the corner by his feet like he always did.
   “Hey, shrimp.” Jeremy said, he heard him stiffen in the bed. “Y-yes, hyung?” he answered unsure. “What's the name again?” Jeremy asked, the boy shifted quietly. “I didn't tell you.” Jeremy resisted to growl at him. “Well then tell me your name, idiot.” he hissed low. “Oh, it... it is Sazkey.” Sazkey answered with a low voice. “Sazkey eh?” Jeremy whispered before he closed his eyes.

To be continued.

Some Info about the story.

Hello reader!

I thought I would make a little info for the story. It is called Jeremy's Journey and is about the grumpy and cocky Pokèmon trainer Jeremy. He is a harsh trainer, so don't expect any lovvie dovvie from him *giggles* He has explored whole of Kanto and has now headed for the Johto region, even if it is a little boring.

In New Bark Town he meets a new Pokèmon trainer that is going to change his plans slightly. Stay tuned for that, haha.

The story will be based more on the games, but also a little from the anime. Each Pokèmon will know 6 - 8 moves, 4 is so boring. I will post a little side info and such as we get along the story, probably some drawings too.

- Heike

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Chapter One

New Bark Town

  The sun was shining, wind brushing in Jeremy's dark brown hair as he was sitting upright on his Pidgeot, a Raichu clinged to his shoulder. A pout on his face and arms crossed, he looked rather irritated. And so he was, he was from Kanto, but he had explored it all, he had done it and the scenery was getting boring. He yawned, the Pidgeot flapped it's wings once to go faster, he noticed his trainers fowl mood.
   Grabbing his Pokègear and flipped up the map, looking at it. He studied it in silence, before looking around them. “Hm, seeing the map, that New Bark Town should be near, Vulsan.” He told the large bird Pokèmon, it answered him and picked up more speed.

   Soon the threesome could see a town in between some trees, a river to the east that lead back to Kanto, where he had come from. “Aight, Vulsan! Prepare for landing!” Jeremy ordered harshly and shifted. A rather showy entrance to a new town it would be as Vulsan came flying over the first rooftops, heading for the center of the small town. Jeremy hopped off of Vulsan and landed right infront of a scrawny teenage boy with blue hair.
   The boy nearly jumped out of his own skin and shouted like a frightened little girl, backing off and lost his footing, falling and landing on his ass. Jeremy glared down at the boy and smirked evil at him.
   “Apologies, madam. I didn't see you there.” He said to the boy and reached out his hand to help him back up with the same smirk. The boy looked up at him, cheeks blushed and a small teardrop in the corner of his eye. He didn't take Jeremy's hand and got up himself. Jeremy pouted at that and ignored that people was staring.
   “I am no lady!” the boy shouted angry at him. “You sure scream like one.” Jeremy answered. The boy got even redder in anger. “I got startled! You don't get big butt faces raining down on yah daily!” the boy shouted back at Jeremy, he pouted at his comment. “Then I suggest you watch where you're going.” Jeremy said as he fondled his belt to find Vulsan's Pokèball.
   “Now, little boy, Pokèmon trainer at work, see yah.” he said turning away, not looking at the boy. “I am a Pokèmon trainer too!” Jeremy stopped and glanced back. “Congratulations?” Like it was hard to become a Pokèmon trainer, just find the professor for your region and get a starter. Jeremy pouted at that, he had not gotten Tyson from a professor, he had been a wild Pikachu so many years ago.
   “Yeah! And I can win against you! Dracko can do it!” The boy shouted angry at him. Jeremy stopped in his walk, his hand searching for the Pokèball stiffened. Slowly turning half and smirked in direction of the boy. He held a Pokèball now.
   “I haven't been here five minutes and already a challenge.” Jeremy said cold and smirked even more now, confident even if the boys nicknaming his Pokèmon didn't tell him much what kind of Pokèmon it might be. He didn't have to wait long though as the boy threw the Pokèball, shouting for Dracko to go.
   A Charmander? Jeremy glared at the tiny thing, all though it was a little taller than DJ Bobbo. He pouted as he thought.
   “Is this what you want to fight me with? Well, that's fine.” He said confident, slightly irritated that Bobbo wasn't ready for this kind of fight yet. “Vulsan, you take this one.” Jeremy said controlled. It didn't sound like an order, but his great Pidgeot landed in front of the little Charmander and the scrawny boy. “Do you really think you can beat Vulsan with that little lizard of yours?” Jeremy smirked at the younger boy. The Charmander stood ready though. And the boy did at first seem frightened at the sight of this big oponent. But he quickly changed into determination.
   “Of course we can” Right, Dracko?” He shouted and looked with a courageous smile at his Charmander that nodded and they both looked up at Vulsan. “Well confidence is good, but I doubt it will be enough.” Jeremy said through his teeth. “Well are you ready, boy?” he asked and the boy nodded, Jeremy grinned then. People had gathered by now to look at the local boy against the stranger.

   “Vulsan! Quick attack!” Jeremy shouted harshly and his Pidgeot screeched as it folded out it's great wings and flapped to hoover just over ground, quickly heading for the little Charmander and hit it dead on, sending the little flame Pokèmon backward, landing at his master's feet. “Pathetic, that Pokèmon isn't even trained, you must have just got it.” Jeremy said, somewhat disapointed.
   “Dracko! Are you okay?” the boy shouted and got on his knees, picking up his damaged little friend, Jeremy shook of a grimace to that. “Aww, the little boy think the Pokèmon is his friend.” He mocked, however some of the towns folks disagreed with him, saying that Pokèmon were friends with their trainers, only a trainer that befriended his Pokèmon would become truly strong. Jeremy huffed at them. He was not friends with his Pokèmon, he was their master, and they obeyed him, doing what he wanted them too.
   “Get that Charmander to the Pokèmon center to heal it up. I suggest you start training before you run after the big boys from now on. Toodles.” Jeremy said, waved arrogant as he returned his Pidgeot and turned to walk away. Though that was one weird kid he thought, heading for a shop to resupply. Tyson looked back at the crowd that gathered arround the boy with the little Charmander, before turning his head to face the same way as Jeremy, making sure he didn't slide of his master's shoulder.

-To be continued!